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Get to Know the Scully ST-47 Groundhog

The Ultimate Vehicle Static Ground Verification System

Don’t let unsure grounding methods leave you guessing. Transport vehicles should always be properly tied to ground before and during the terminal loading operation of petroleum or liquid chemicals. There should never be any doubt regarding the performance of grounding systems at your terminals. Most of the systems in place give you little assurance of their operation, but the Scully Groundhog gives you complete assurance that a proper static ground tie-in is present.

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Topics: static grounding, Scully Signal Made in USA

Delivery Nozzle and Scully Swivel Preventative Maintenance

Ensure the reliability and safety of your hose nozzle before the start of the heating season.

Understanding nozzle maintenance and care is very important to your fueling operations. Everyone involved should understand when a nozzle is at risk for needing replacement parts or being replaced entirely to ensure the safety of your operations.

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Topics: fuel delivery equipment, nozzle

Scully Product Design Testing for Durability

Scully Product Testing: Designing Fail-Safe Overflow Prevention Products that Last

Long-lasting durability matters for Overfill Prevention and Grounding Systems, and you need assurance that your equipment will work in the field as well as the first day it was installed—sometimes under harsh conditions. How can you offer assurance? Fail-safe fluid detection and handling, with a dependable safety record over time, is an attainable goal, but it comes from following stringent protocols and using proven testing procedures.

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Topics: sensors, Scully Signal, testing, product design, overfill prevention, static grounding

Troubleshooting Ground Faults at the Loading Rack

What to Do When Tank Trucks Can’t Get a Load at the Petroleum Loading Rack

Confused about problems you have at the loading rack? Is it a terminal- or truck-based issue? We’ve compiled information about some issues that can arise when you can’t get a load at the petroleum loading rack. Read through these procedures—we’re providing a quick troubleshooting guide for common problems. These scenarios will guide terminal personnel and drivers to quickly determine the cause of the problem and enable them to correct them quickly.   

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Topics: Ground Fault at Loading Rack, Troubleshooting Loading Rack

Top-of-the-Line Technical Service

For 80 years, Scully Signal has been known for industry-leading innovative products, reliable operation in the field, and friendly customer service representatives. However, there are other Scully capabilities that you may be less familiar with. One of the best services that Scully has to offer is the expert help provided by our technical service department, and we would like you to meet some of our US technicians and get some good advice. Our Tech Service Departments receive many inquiries every day, both by phone as well as e-mail, so we decided to sit down with

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Topics: Tech Service

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